Crisis Management Consultant
"One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency."
- Arnold H. Glasgow
As many crisis experts have stated—crises are often unpredictable, but rarely unexpected. We can help you prepare for the crises that are predictable and react to those that aren't.
With over 40 years’ experience navigating the waters of crisis communication and crisis management, our team offers a wealth of experience from a wide range of crises.
Managing a crisis requires skilled, experienced practitioners to handle media scrutiny and inquiries, prepare and execute a crisis communication plan, carefully craft positive messaging, and repair the image that has been potentially tarnished by the crisis situation.
Every crisis is unique and requires a tailored plan to ensure that all stakeholders are addressed
effectively. We can help you prepare a plan before a crisis occurs and implement it once it does. Prior planning and proper responses are keys to avoiding crisis escalation.

What We Do.
We can help you develop a crisis communications plan, so that your organization is prepared in the event of a crisis. We will:
Meet with your organization’s leadership team to conduct a crisis planning workshop
Compile your organization’s crisis directory (a listing of your organization’s key publics/stakeholders/organizations, crisis communications team, your media spokesperson, media spokespeople in other key organizations, emergency personnel, local officials, and key media contacts (i.e. newspapers, television, radio)
Prepare your crisis management plan document for use by your crisis communications team